Artificial intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis of congenital heart defects (CHD) – future practical application

The goal of the training is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, implement and effectively use artificial intelligence in the WWS diagnostic process in the future. To see the benefits of the potential of using artificial intelligence. To understand the ethical and safety issues of using artificial intelligence in medicine.


  • theoretical part: prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Respondek-Liberska, dr hab. n. o zdr. Iwona Strzelecka, prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Słodki, prof. dr hab. Jacek Tabor, dr inż. Arkadiusz Lewicki, dr Łukasz Struski, dr inż. Leszek Puzio i dr. Marek Jaszuk.
  • practical part: prof. dr hab. n. med. Marcin Wiecheć, dr n. med. Agnieszka Nocuń, prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert Sabiniewicz, dr n. med. Witold Błaż.

The training takes place in the form of a webinar via the ClickMeeting platform.

1.     Epidemiology of congenital heart defects in fetuses and children in the 21st century in Poland and around the world – dr hab. Iwona Strzelecka
2.      Division of heart defects in prenatal cardiology – prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Słodki
3.      Emergencies in prenatal cardiology in the 3rd trimester – prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Respondek-Liberska
4.      Basics of Artificial Intelligence. Key concepts, techniques and AI models in the problem of WWS diagnosis – prof. dr hab. Jacek Tabor
5.      Prospects for the development of WWS diagnostics using artificial intelligence – dr. inż. Arkadiusz Lewicki
6.      Ethics and safety related to the use of AI in medicine – dr inż. Łukasz Puzio and dr. Marek Jaszuk 
7.       Benefits and opportunities of integrating artificial intelligence with the WWS diagnostics process – dr Łukasz Struski.

Includes two independent modules: prenatal and neonatal. It is possible to take part in one or both modules. An expert will be selected depending on the date set. 

Prenatal module

Standardization of the method of recording moving sequences of ultrasound images of the heart of the fetus for layered anatomical analysis by manual and automated methods using artificial neural networks.

  1. Preparation for the practical session.
  2. Collection of ultrasound data.
  3. Data analysis using AI
  4. Discussion and questioning
  5. Feedback and conclusion
Neonatology module
  1. Preparation for the practical session.
  2. Collection of ultrasound data.
  3. Data analysis using AI
  4. Discussion and questioning
  5. Feedback and conclusion


The proposed training will allow participants not only to understand the relevant aspects and key mechanisms of machine learning, along with the opportunity to learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of inference and interpretation from imaging data by AI models, but also to develop the skills desired in the near future to work with AI software to confirm and make a final decision based on learning the inference result of available ultrasound imaging analysis solutions. This training will also enable physicians to understand the key issues related to the ethics and safety of using AI in medicine with regard to data privacy issues, related regulations, and the scope of physicians’ responsibilities.

Based on the acquired knowledge, skills and testing of prototype solutions, doctors will be able to prepare and publish valuable intercenter scientific papers in reputable medical journals. This may include, for example, such problem areas as:

  1. Application of artificial intelligence in the detection of congenital heart defects from ultrasound imaging. Review of methods and perspectives.
  2. Effectiveness of artificial intelligence algorithms in the diagnosis of congenital heart defects. A meta-analysis based on clinical trials.
  3. Application of AI systems in the process of supporting clinical diagnosis. Challenges and benefits.
  4. Analysis of cardiac ultrasound data using artificial intelligence. Prospects for integration into daily clinical practice.
  5. Using artificial intelligence to predict the outcome of pediatric heart defects. A retrospective study on a large clinical dataset.

Our Educational Action will not only increase the competence of doctors in the area of use of modern diagnostic tools, but also contribute to scientific development in the interdisciplinary area: medicine and computer science. With the knowledge and skills acquired, trainees will make a significant contribution to the development of medicine of the future.

Weź udział w szkoleniu

Cel szkolenia jest dostarczenie uczestnikom wiedzy i umiejętności niezbędnych do zrozumienia, wdrażania i efektywnego wykorzystywania w przyszłości sztucznej inteligencji w procesie diagnostyki WWS.

Moduł położniczy

Standaryzacja metody zapisu ruchomych sekwencji obrazów ultrasonograficznych serca płodu dla potrzeb anatomicznej analizy warstwowej metodą manualną i zautomatyzowaną z użyciem sztucznych sieci neuronowych.

Moduł neonatologiczny

Przygotowanie do sesji praktycznej, zbieranie danych ultrasonograficznych, analiza danych za pomocą AI, dyskusja i zadawanie pytań.